- We Will Miss the Stars in the Morning was published by Bottlecap Press in April, 2024.
- And Drought Will Follow, was released by Frosted Fire Press in the spring of 2021.
- Litany for Silver Nitrate Saints is a self-published, digital, mini-chapbook exploring the relationships between photography, time, and memory.
- Rate of Exchange in March 2020: A COVID-19 Anthology (845 Press, March 2020)
- A Concise History of the Wind in Pandemic Love and Other Affinities (Ice Floe Press, August, 2022)
- I haven’t marked my days the right way in Afterfeather (Black Bough Poetry, September, 2022)
- Drifting Rig in Riggwelter (Issue #31)
- No maps for these in verum literary press (February 5, 2024)
- Key Jar in Ink in Thirds (Spring Equinox, Vol 5, I.1)
- A time of splinters in Moist Poetry Journal (4/17/2024)
- To this earth in Tiny Wren Lit (Issue 7)
- The beginning of poetry and As my children approach their late middle age in Black Lily (forthcoming)
- Naming our daughter in Heimat Review (Issue 2, Winter 2023)
- Carpenter’s Lament in Gyroscope Review (Winter 2023, Issue 23-1)
- Listen in The Storms (Issue 2)
- Terrible Monuments in BOLD (Issue 1)
- Two poems: Aviator and Cemetery Picnic in UCity Review (June 2023)
- Saints Layered like Leaves in Osmosis (8/20/2023)
- Angel Triptych in Psaltery & Lyre (9/25/2023)
- Night went by like nothing in Interstellar Literary Review (Issue 4)
- After Hours in The Shore (Issue 13, Spring 2022)
- Breaking in Right Hand Pointing (Issue #147)
- Roadside Picnic in Fevers of the Mind (4/21/22)
- Every green thing’s name in The Night Heron Barks (Spring 2022) – Pushcart Prize Nominee
- The Ocean’s Only Word (cont’d) in Janus Literary (Issue 8) – Best of the Net Nominee
- He never puts names in Fevers of the Mind (7/5/22)
- Three poems: Old Man Dreams, The sea grew calm far out from land, and Going Through in Gargoyle Magazine Online (Issue 2)
- A Saint’s Night in The Curator Magazine (7/28/22)
- Burning Bush Lane in Bulb Culture (9/28/22)
- Early and all in a minute in Pinhole Poetry (Volume 1, Issue 3, October 2022)
- snag my shadow back in Sky Island Journal (Issue 22, Fall 2022)
- Crypto in Fevers of the Mind (12/8/22)
- My fourteen remaining fragments of the letter in The Lumiere Review (December 2022)
- Working Into Silence in FEED (Issue 1.39)
- Two poems: The dust we bring home with us, the dust we left behind and Restoration in Black Coffee Review (Spring 2021)
- Litany for Silver Nitrate Saints in Firmament (Sublunary Editions, No. 2 – Spring 2021)
- “It may not have been the rain at all.” in Moist Poetry Journal (4/21/2021)
- Reasons to Forgive in The Shoutflower (Spring, 2021)
- We’ll Miss the Stars in the Morning in trampset (September 17, 2021)
- The Finding of Names in Kissing Dynamite (Issue 14, February 2020)
- Breath in Rogue Agent (Issue 61, April 2020)
- Standing Water in Whale Road Review (Summer 2020) – Orison Anthology Nominee
- What Having a Home Taught Me in Riggwelter (#27, July 2020)
- Around a Tired Circle in trampset (July 10, 2020)
- Three poems: The Ocean’s Only Word, Getting Light, and Near Disaster in Burning House Press (January 2019)
- To Go Unheard in Parentheses Journal (Issue 5, Winter 2019)
- Two poems: Housewarming and Two three times a year in Saint Katherine Review (Issue 6.2)
- Hard stubborn things in Twist in Time Literary Magazine (Issue 2)
- Approximate in I Want You to See This Before I Leave (Spring 2019)
- Nightshift Tipping Barren Tables in Rockvale Review (Issue Four – May 2019)
- Traces in Burning House Press (July 2019)
- Conjectures in West Texas Literary Review (Spring 2019)
- My List of Simple Lies in Rust + Moth (Autumn 2019)
- Earthly Concerns in Typehouse Literary Magazine (Volume 6, No. 3, Issue 18)
- This Legion of Edges in Unbroken (October 2019, Issue 23)
- Burning Bush Lane in Cold Creek Review (Issue No. 5, March 2018)
- Out All Night in Amethyst Review (August 22, 2018)
- Saints Layered like Leaves in Ghost City Review (September 2018)
- Frog’s gossip in Gingerbread House (Issue 32, September 2018)
- Against the Sky in Barren Magazine (Issue No. 3, October 2018)
- Honey Hollow Farm in 8 Poems (Issue 1.6, December 2018)
- Crows crave and gather in UCity Review (Issue 17, December 2018)
- Aspect in Sugar House Review (Issue 18, Fall/Winter 2018)
- A table scarred in Door is a Jar (Issue 5, July 2017)
- Compass in Burningword Literary Journal (Issue 83, July 2017)
- From the Sky — A self-published zine