Inspired by the work on display at the 2019 Philly Zine Fest, I decided to dip my toes into DIY self-publishing.
I updated a poem that was published many years ago in issue 29 of The Painted Bride Quarterly and combined it with some of my photos to make a tiny booklet from a single sheet of paper that hangs together via some clever cutting and folding.
If you would like a make copy of your own, a printable PDF can be downloaded here. Instructions for the simple folding and cutting can be found on page two of the document. Although the photos are black and white, it looks better if printed in color. The important thing is to print it at full/actual size and to not use the Fit or Shrink Oversized Pages options in Acrobat.
If you prefer, you can also download a version that has been laid out to be easily read as a PDF.