4 followers, no pic, handle with lots of numbers, no personal details. Are you sure you're not a bot? Maybe they just programed you to think you weren't a bot. — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) July 30, 2018

Carl Phillips pic.twitter.com/z9VDbv24qO — Nick Ripatrazone (@nickripatrazone) July 30, 2018

Wow, it's absolutely stunning how wrong that is. Both factually and logically. I'm also pretty sure is isn't math. — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) July 30, 2018

I don’t care so much what former Presidents & First Ladies do. I don’t care George W paints cats. I don’t care Hillary signs books at Costco. I don’t care Michelle & Barack rock-out to Beyoncé & Jay Z. Good for them. I do care our current President is destroying American values. — Ana Navarro […]

Liar! — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) July 29, 2018

You just keep repeating the same phony insinuations over and over because you don’t have anything else to say in your own defense https://t.co/y1pVEgbpOo — RealPCDonaldTrump ? (@RealPCDonaldT) July 29, 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome is what his supporters suffer from. Ignoring every lie and idiotic thing he says or does for ideological zealotry. Republican priorities are on full display. Line the pockets of the wealthy and well connected while distracting and dividing our nation — ♻️??? Christopher Zullo (@ChrisJZullo) July 29, 2018

Pivotal moment that should resonate in newsrooms everywhere:Trump expressed pride in popularizing the phrase "fake news" and said other countries were banning it. Sulzberger responded that those countries were dictatorships banning independent scrutiny.https://t.co/VBC6NhvRj2 pic.twitter.com/Og2fF3Y0mz — Clifford Levy (@cliffordlevy) July 29, 2018

Are you scared, Mr. President? You sound scared. — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) July 29, 2018

Oh man, I should have looked at your profile before I responded. You're a bot. Well, have a nice life. — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) July 29, 2018