Poetry as Prayer

I’ve always been very interested in the idea of writing poetry as an act of prayer or as a spiritual praxis. What is your favorite book, article, quote, or other resource touching on this? Here’s one of my many favorites…  

Rejection Slips

I found a stash of rejections slips from my first attempt at being a poet in the mid-80s to early 90s. I’d like to share the ones from @NimrodJournal, @BPJTweets, and The Threepenny Review  instead of actually writing tonight. I kind of miss those days. The wait times were longer and simultaneous submissions weren’t the […]

And not talk about it

“Anyway, I have it borne in on me that my business is to write and not talk about it.” ~ Flannery O’Connor

Presses vs. Journals

Is it just me, or is waiting to hear from presses about a chapbook submission completely different than waiting to hear from journals about a submission of a packet of individual poems?

Saints Layered Like Leaves

My poem from the September Ghost City Review was originally called “Presence.” Fortunately, a very perceptive workshop friend pointed out I was overlooking a better title that was right in front of me. In its defense, this is where “Presence” (the title not the poem) came from: “Catholicism is a culture of sacred presence. Relics […]