The new Secular Franciscan USA website is now online! — Lee Potts ? (@LeePottsPoet) May 1, 2018

My contributor's copy of @PresenceJournal came today, and my goodness, am I in awe-inspiring company! Really, you should order a copy for yourself — or subscribe. — Sally Thomas (@SallyThomasNC) April 30, 2018

Less than a day left before poetry is banned again from NPR until next April. Better make the most of it. — Grant Clauser (@UnIambic) April 30, 2018

Pure cowardice.—Trump has achieved step 1 of successful authoritarianism— manipulate key institutions & the public to internalize censorship.—That’s exactly how they do it. Shame people into censoring themselves.Michelle Wolf was brilliant & it’s Trump Who should be ashamed. — J Brokaw (@Julesitter) April 30, 2018

Did you guys leave to have sex with adult film stars and playmates and brag about grabbing pussy and selling us out to the Russians and oil interests and the NRA? — Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) April 29, 2018